First page from the story À propos de bottes
first published in 1972 in Charlie mensuel #36,
reprinted in the album Tiroirs de poche et fonds de miroirs
in1976, signed, 46,2 x 60,8 cm (!)
€ 3.000,- ($ 3,300)
MAX CABANES: Les Années Pattes
d’Eph (“Sweet Sixties”)
1992, 33,2 x 44 cm
€ 900,- ($ 990)
NICOLAS DUMONTHEUIL: Qui a tué l’idiot?
2010, 36 x 47 cm
€ 690,- ($ 759) |
Appunti per una storia
di guerra
page 5, 2004, 22 x 32,2 cm
€ 1.100,- ($ 1,210)
Unknown artist:
Pepito #85
page 13, 1950’s, 20,5 x 29 cm
€ 135,- ($ 149)
Unknown artist:
Pepito #85
page 14, 1950’s, 20,5 x 29 cm
€ 135,- ($ 149)
FERRARIS: Churubusco
page 13,
2015, signed, 25,2 x 35,7 cm
€ 600,- ($ 660)
page 5, signed, 25 x 39 cm, comes with the original preliminary
drawing (pencil and color pencil) for this page!
€ 1.480,- ($ 1,628) |
"?": Les
Aventures de Bibou et Fantasmo: L'Ombre duZizi
cover for a French album
containing a parody on Franquin's Spirou et Fantasio, signed,
30,8 x 41,8 cm
€ 495,- ($ 545)
- momentarely reserved |
JEAN-LOUIS FLOCH: unknown title
1980’s, 18,5 x 24,3 cm
€ 1.250,- ($ 1,375) |
JEAN-LOUIS FLOCH: unknown title
1980’s, 29 x 38,3 cm
€ 1.500,- ($ 1,650) |
LARRY CAMARDA: Mash Up Comics: Tales vs. Diabolik
2016, signed, 26,8 x 38,7 cm
€ 450,- ($ 495) |
LARRY CAMARDA: Mash Up Comics: Crime vs. Diabolik
2016, signed, 27 x 38,3 cm
€ 450,- ($ 495) |
LARRY CAMARDA: Fantastic Four
2015, signed, 25,3 x 39,7 cm
€ 450,- ($ 495) |
LARRY CAMARDA: Mash Up Comics: Diabolik vs. Dracula
28,3 x 40 cm
€ 450,- ($ 495) |
van der Kroft: Sjors en Sjimmie
series, 37,3 x 47,5 cm
120,- ($ 132)
van der Kroft: Sjors en Sjimmie
series, 37,3 x 47,5 cm
120,- ($ 132)